Saturday, October 11, 2014


Or maybe one day I'd see you at our reunion
You'd come up & say hello
We'd tell each other stories of our batch
And we'd skip the part where I used to like you
Or how much I love the way you look when you enter the training room
I miss how I greet you everyday with good morning & tell you you're  beautiful
Always have. Always been. Always ever will be

So I was telling you a funny story, then you'd laugh at it & call me a joke
We end our night with goodbye
We surely had a good time with our colleagues & the best part was I get to see you
So here's to our hearts that may never beat together
Cheers to us both 'coz we stayed friend forever
*This song is dedicated to Dominic & Ronna

Less Lie

Let's take things down a notch
I got used to being alone that I forgot how it feels to be with someone
Go left, turn straight, drive crazy, listening to Cattski. You're so confusing
You treat me just like every boy you knew
We are friends. We are lovers. I wonder. We are nothing. We are nothing. We are nothing

We've been hanging around. Stay out late. Go grab a plate. I can't keep up, but I have to. I sleep less
To be honest, I like you, I want you, I need you, but do you too?
I kept my distance. Detached my feelings for you
'coz lately I've been losing sleep thinking about me & you
Why must we stay where we don't belong? We don't belong

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


I knew it
You're choosing him over me, again
Maybe I was just naive
You're just like the others who thinks that I'm not worth it
Who talks sweet but never meant it
I made myself believe that you're different
Even defended you from everyone
I was with you all the way
Never even doubted your intentions
Indeed, love makes people blind
'Cause no matter the truth, people see what they want to see

Friday, October 11, 2013


I've come to realize that anything we can easily acquire loses their true value including people.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


I have an unconventional family. We don't talk much, we don't greet each other, and we don't eat together. We don't even sit together in the sala when watching the television. Most of the time we just stay at each other's room all day. Nevertheless, we are so blessed to have everything we need and we love each other despite our unordinary ways of showing it.

Monday, November 14, 2011


I used to be your hero. I used to make things easier for you. I hope every time you start to feel hatred or revenge towards me, you would think and look at me again as your hero. However, I may no longer be the hero who make things easier for you, but a hero who once saved your life by setting you free.

Monday, August 8, 2011

life is...

Playing safe or doing the right thing is never an assurance of success and happiness —life is uncertain.